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Dentistry, Patient information
25th January 2022  •  Read 0 times

Importance of Dental Check-Ups

Why are regular dental check-ups important?

We regularly service our cars, bikes and household appliances to ensure they are safe and perform well. Should they break down or fail to work effectively, we can simply trade it in for an upgraded model or buy a replacement.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for your teeth! Even though dental advancements have come on leaps and bounds, there will never be a comparable replacement for your natural teeth. Additionally, the discomfort caused when your teeth do start to “break down” and the high costs involved with complex dental care, are both scenarios you want to, and CAN avoid.

Just as we exercise and eat well for the overall health of our body, attending regular dental check-ups is equally as important for our oral health. In order to maintain a set of strong teeth and a healthy mouth, it is recommended you attend a dental check up every 6 months. Starting this habit from a young age or as soon as possible is crucial.

What are the benefits of regular dental check-ups?

Smile Confidence – Knowing the condition of your teeth and gums can give you confidence, peace of mind and the ability to smile more. Having the confidence to smile tells the world a lot about you.

Advanced Warning – If something is going wrong an advanced warning can reduce costs, pain, and the amount of time in the chair. Avoiding long and complicated treatment that requires time and costs is the best solution.

Reliable Options – If there are areas of your smile, bite, or health care routine you wish to discuss/improve it is best to rely on a trained professional. It is disappointing to see patients that are having problems due to poor advice from the internet or an untrained professional.

What happens at a dental check-up?

During the appointment, several important checks are performed including:

Plaque and tartar – Plaque is a clear, sticky layer of bacteria. If not removed, it can harden and become tartar. Regular dental cleanings prevent tartar from eroding teeth or creating holes in them, which is how cavities are created.

Gingivitis and gum disease – Underneath your gums a lot can be going on without you even realising it. Plaque and tartar can erode gum tissue leading to an infection known as gingivitis. Not addressing gingivitis in the early stages, can lead to the development of gum disease and ultimately surgery

Mouth cancer – One of the most important checks a dental professional will conduct at an appointment, is to look for signs of trouble. These signs include swelling, redness, or possible signs of cancer. Most of the time, these checks will find nothing unusual, but they could potentially save your life.

Old fillings and restorations – Old fillings can often chip or come loose. This increases the risk of bacteria gathering and can ultimately lead to further problems. Having them checked every few months ensures small issues can be fixed timeously. This helps to maintain the integrity of your teeth.

In addition to the above checks, X-RAY’s might be taken to detect hidden cavities. The top surface is not always the best indicator of oral health. Often the most serious problems lie beneath it.

Lastly, because plaque continually forms on your teeth, your dentist will advise on appropriate brushing and flossing techniques. It is vital to follow these to reduce build-up and maintain good oral health between check-ups.

Prevention is less damaging, less painful and less costly than a cure! For more information on our dental check-ups service, click here. Make your oral health a priority, book your dental check-up today.

Picture of Dr Julia Panteli
About the author
Dr Julia Panteli


Dr Panteli is a dentist with a special interest in Restorative dentistry who continues to take interest in her professional development by remaining actively involved in developments of new materials and techniques whilst attending conferences and seminars around the world. She completed her aesthetic and restorative dental training at world best institutions including Eastman Dental Institute (MSc) and clinics in Harley Street.

As a cosmetic dentist Dr Panteli has a full understanding of facial anatomy and she also offers her patients a professional service of non-surgical facial aesthetics.


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