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Lung Function Testing

Assessment of how well your lungs work

Lung function testing, also known as pulmonary function testing (PFT), assesses how well your lungs work. There are many types of lung function tests that measure various aspects of or actions within your lungs including:

  • Volume: How much air your lungs can hold
  • Rates of flow: How well you move air in and out of your lungs when you breathe
  • Gas exchange: How well your lungs absorb oxygen from the air you breathe and move it into your blood

Lung function tests also help check the health of your airways (nose, throat, trachea and bronchial tubes).

Lung function tests are typically performed using specialised equipment. They are painless but may require you to breathe forcefully or hold your breath at specific times. The results from lung function tests help to detect respiratory conditions, assess disease progression, and monitor treatment effects.

Guide Price: From £554
**Guide prices may vary following consultation


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